Ebook RGS-IBG Book: Smoking Geographies : Space, Place and Tobacco 104 by Jamie Pearce DOC, MOBI


Smoking Geographies provides a research-led assessment of the impact of geographical factors on smoking. The contributors uncover how geography can show us not only why people smoke but also broader issues of tobacco control, providing deeper clarity on how smoking and tobacco is governed . The text centres on one of the most important public health issues worldwide, and a major determinant of preventable mortality and morbidity in developed and developing countries Records the outcomes of a long-term research collaboration that brings a geographical lens to smoking behaviour Uncovers how geography can play a part in understanding not only why people smoke but also broader issues of tobacco control Provides a deeper understanding of how smoking and tobacco is governed , regarding where people may smoke, but also more subtle governance as a climate is produced in which smoking becomes denormalised Brings both quantitative and qualitative perspectives to bear on this major source of mortality and morbidity

Jamie Pearce - RGS-IBG Book: Smoking Geographies : Space, Place and Tobacco 104 ebook EPUB, PDF, TXT

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